
SMMA Students Enjoy An Amazing Trip To China

Posted on: 16th Sep 2024

Earlier this summer, our MEP students made the trip of a lifetime. The students from Year 9 (now in Year 10) travelled more than 5000 miles across the globe to arrive at Dalian, a coastal city in north-east China where they would spend 2 weeks totally immersed in the language and culture they have spent years studying. 

Read on for photos, a full report by Mr Lovelock who made the journey with them, and to hear from the students themselves...

Mr LOVELOCK WRITES, “Dalian, MEP China trip 2024... 

...29 students, 3 teachers, a long-haul flight on the 8th July, and it took less than an hour to understand the purpose of the MEP Year 9 trip to Dalian.  

The plan was to be an intensive learning experience for the students, with opportunities to be immersed into the culture of China. The venue was a teaching university in Dalian, a city shaped by a rich history of foreign invasions over the last 200 years; the British even occupied it for a couple of years from 1858 but it is completely Chinese now.

Smma islington year 9 students visit china summer 2024

The intensive teaching resembled a relaxed SMMA Mandarin lesson, which Ms Luo described as ‘good revision for the students’. But it was everything else that mattered most. The Chinese know how to host with style and respect: we had a coach, driver and two full-time guides for our exclusive use – and we made the most of the opportunity.

Our programme started with a ‘Chinese opera’, in a theatre that wouldn't look out of place in Victorian-era London. It was more like a classical music event, with an orchestra and a wide variety of musicians (some with very peculiar instruments) who took turns to perform their piece and then shuffle off stage!

Smma students visit china summer 2024

Over the following days the students learnt Chinese calligraphy, how to play Chinese drums, how to perform classic fan dances and even make dumplings – in addition to experiencing Chinese theme parks, shopping centres and restaurants before interviewing the Consul-General from the British Embassy in Beijing. We also climbed the local mountain (it was really a hill), visited their best beaches and the biggest square in the region, as well as a local school for a fantastic fan dance exhibition. 

St mary magdalene academy islington year 9 visit china summer 2024

We settled into a routine of visiting the local small supermarket each night before bedtime where the students could fill their bags with pot noodles, sweets, drinks and ice creams for astonishingly little money; we all loved it.  Before long it was the closing ceremony and a perfect opportunity to pay our respects to our hosts and showcase our talents. The students of SMMA were exceptional, performing poetry in Mandarin, and demonstrating strong football and dance skills, before Tom Greenhill wrapped it up with a rap - in Mandarin of course! 

China wasn’t what I was expecting; it was so much more. Within moments we could see that it was nothing like its portrayal in the UK, an often distorted and negative picture on what is a rather wonderful place. The students learnt so much more than Mandarin.

Oh, did I mention the food... Please let me go again...!”


Student Niamh Linthicum says,

“Going to China with my Mandarin class, Ms Luo, Mr Lovelock and Mr Newton was probably one of the best experiences I’ve ever had. We were taken to so many interesting and fun places. There’s so much to learn about the culture in China and most things were new to us. One of the many activities we did was Chinese Calligraphy. I wasn’t very good, but all our instructors were primary pupils who were so helpful and they even made us little gifts. Their calligraphy skills were amazing and the characters they wrote on Chinese fans for us were so beautiful and these were the best souvenirs!  

I’m so glad I got to go, and I hope when all the other year 9 classes get to go they have as much fun as we did.”


Student Leo Smiths says,

“The China trip was absolutely incredible! It was such an amazing experience to be able to use our Chinese speaking skills outside the classroom. I loved chatting to our Chinese language partners. Chinese schools are very different from ours: on our visit we saw an organised fan dance performed by the whole school in the sports field! I enjoyed trying out traditional Chinese calligraphy and playing the antique drums at a music museum. It was the best school trip ever and I would love to explore China further!”


And Head of Mandarin, Ms Yadi Luo sums it up:

“This China trip really brought their studies to life for our Mandarin students. The grammar and characters that they have spent years learning came flying out of their text books and into real life – as they were deeply immersed in the culture for two weeks of learning, shopping, ordering food, and making new friends.

It was also an invaluable opportunity for them to see the real China, and to realise the subject is not only for a big exam but also for a fascinating real life.”

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