Religious Education

Here at St Mary Magdalene Primary, our pupils are given the opportunity to develop their religious literacy, engage in critical thinking and acquire the skills needed to look at different religions and world views through theological, philosophical and human and social sciences lenses. We want our children to explore their own religious, spiritual and philosophical ways of being, while developing a deep understanding of the experiences of those around them. Through a balanced curriculum which is rooted in theological concepts, we intend for our children to learn to live well in their local community, while also developing a global perspective and understanding of their place in the world. As a Church of England school which serves our whole community, the majority of the units within our curriculum look at Christianity; however in their time at SMMA, all children at the school will also learn about Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism and Sikhism. The school follows the London Diocesan Board for Schools’ (LDBS) curriculum units and model map. The LDBS units have been slightly adapted to consider the context of our school and to meet the needs of our children. These units of learning enable all children to make progress from their starting points in RE and become religiously literate, being able to hold well-informed conversations about different religions and world views. Throughout each unit, the children acquire and develop key knowledge, understanding and widely-applicable skills due to the rich, engaging and highly academic nature of the curriculum.

More information about the LDBS can be found on their website

The Church of England Religious Education Statement of Entitlement gives further information about what RE education looks like in Church of England schools.



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Model Curriculum Map UPDATE 08th Nov 2023 Download
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