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Special Educational Needs
At St Mary Magdalene Academy we actively seek to promote and enable the participation, on an equal basis, of all young people in education, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, background or prior attainment, and take into account individual needs.
Inclusion relates to all aspects of school life, not just the academic curriculum. We aim to remove barriers to learning and participation and provide clear structures, close monitoring systems and outstanding teaching and learning experiences so that every child progresses and thrives.
Our commitment to Special Educational Needs
We are committed to meeting the needs of pupils with special educational needs and evaluating their progress to ensure that they reach their full potential. In partnership with outside agencies, the SEN team supports pupils with special needs by providing training and advice for teaching staff to ensure good progression in the classroom
and by providing small group interventions where the need is identified. Pupils with identified SENs are supported by the SEN Team’s Associate Teachers either in class, within small groups or individually as advised within their EHCPs.
The Team is led by the SENCo, Adam Blakey.
Schools Information Report
This report answers some of the most frequently asked questions about the school and special educational needs.