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Careers & Guidance
SMMA Careers Bulletins
SMMA Careers Bulletin - Edition 1
CEIAG (Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance) at St Mary Magdalene Academy is embedded across the curriculum for all year groups and is delivered through the PAL (Preparation for Adult Life) curriculum, Guardian and House time, Student Voice, SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural) provision, the 1:1 work of the Careers Advisor and the Inspire Programme. This is also reflected in our CEIAG Policy below.
The department's main aim is to prepare students for the world of work through a range of opportunities, some that are statutory and others which are personalised. We work with a number of local and national providers to give real employability skills through work experience, mentoring, interview days, employer insight visits and Inspire masterclasses. Higher education, apprenticeships and training schemes are further explored through talks, university visits, higher education and apprenticeship fairs and one to one interviews an external advisor.
Our students are therefore able to make more informed choices at key points in their education:
- Year 9 option choices for GCSE
- Year 11 choices for Sixth Form
- Year 13 higher education, training or apprenticeships
Careers Team Details
St Mary Magdalene Academy Careers Lead: Sam Burnett
Contact details: Samuel.burnett@smmacademy.org
St Mary Magdalene Academy Careers Lead and Adviser: Sophie Noden
Contact details:sophie.noden@smmacademy.org
St Mary Magdalene Academy Link Assistant Headteacher: Shabaz Sayed
Contact details: shabaz.sayed@smmacademy.org
St Mary Magdalene Academy Careers-Link Governor:
Business Ask
If you are a business and would like to support St Mary Magdalene Academy with our careers provision, please get in touch with Sam Burnett or Sophie Noden using the details above. Please look at the Provider Access Policy below for more information.
For more information on our Careers Programme and specific encounters please look at The SMMA Careers Programme document below.
Useful websites
Career information websites
Labour Market Information (LMI)
Further Education Colleges